The 10 Most Terrifying Things About Immobiliser Ghost

· 6 min read
The 10 Most Terrifying Things About Immobiliser Ghost

Ghost Immobiliser Tracker

The Autowatch Ghost immobiliser system is a discreet unit that prevents your car from being started without entering a pin code. It shields your vehicle from cloning, relay theft and hacking.

It does this by stopping the engine from starting until you enter a PIN number (up to 20 numbers) by pressing the buttons of your vehicle.

Theft Prevention

The use of ghost immobiliser trackers makes it much more difficult for thieves steal your vehicle. The device is connected to the CAN data network in your car and a personalised PIN code is embedded into it. This code is entered by using the buttons on the dashboard and steering wheel and is only accessible to you. If someone tries to start your vehicle and enters the code, they are prevented from doing so because only you have the PIN. The system is discreet and indetectable. It can operate in the background, without interfering with your driving experience.

The device is resistant to relay attacks, the UK's fastest-growing method for theft. These are thieves who work in groups of two or more. One thief will stand near your vehicle, while another one, usually in a neighbouring house or parked along the roadside, will use an electronic device to read the signal from your key fob and transmit it to their relay. The Ghost II immobiliser stops the criminal from starting your car by blocking the fob's signal.

It also stops thieves from adding a new key or replacing an ECU to bypass the system and start your vehicle. It operates silently and does not emit the click of the traditional immobiliser relays. The device also avoids cuts in the circuit, which is an extremely common method employed by professional thieves to tamper with your vehicle and make it easier to steal it.

If a criminal is able to get into your vehicle the GPS tracking system will alert you to their location and send you an SMS notification of their movements. This will allow you to contact the police to make a report and possibly get your vehicle back.

auto ghost immobiliser  from Ghost is a great investment as it will protect your pride and joy from being stolen. It should, however, be installed by a properly trained and certified installer to ensure that the system is correctly installed and working properly. That is why we recommend that you work with an TASSA certified engineer like MotorGuard which can provide an individualized fitting service for the Autowatch Ghost and other modern automobile security products.

Remote Control

A mobile app that is simple to use can be activated using a small device on the keyring that connects to the CAN on-board network of the car. It will generate a unique PIN (similar to those used for credit or debit cards) that must be entered in order for your vehicle to be driven. The engine will be disabled to stop thieves from starting your car regardless of what they do using the original key fobs or even using methods of theft relays.

Ghost immobiliser trackers also include devices to guard against signal jamming, device spoofing, and Cloning - all techniques that standard immobilisers are susceptible to. These new generation devices can be connected to other car alarm systems and Trackers (Brand dependant) to enable priority disarming.

This technology can be added onto any of our Ghost Tracker Products, giving you peace of mind whenever you are in your car. It can work with your existing tracking system, and once activated, it can be authorized through the app to start your car and to lock it. This is great for a quick trip to the market or to transport your children to school.

The Autowatch Ghost II Immobiliser carries security to the next level by using a subtle design that makes use of the buttons on your dashboard or steering wheel to create an individual PIN sequence that is only known by you. This is achieved through the combination of up to 20 separate button presses so it is almost impossible to crack by thieves and can even disable the immobiliser.

Another advantage of this is that it will be active if your car is being tracked by one of our trackers, or stolen, and it can be activated from the app. It can also be activated by your TASSA approved installer (We are an TASSA approved installer) and will activate the original car alarm, and trigger any additional security features, such as an alarm for car tethering or warnings about the location of your vehicle to the driver.

The Autowatch Ghost II Immobiliser is an Insurance Approved Product provided by TASSA and is able to be fitted to most vehicles. The product is quiet and undetectable, and does not require wire cutting for installation.


Ghost immobilisers are an excellent accessory to any vehicle, since more people want to protect their vehicles against contactless theft. It guards against key cloning, hacking or keyless entry, ensuring that even if thieves do have the code for your remote keys, they are unable to steal your car. It offers a variety of tracking options that let you keep track of your car.

Unlike many immobilisers on the market that use radio frequencies, our Ghost is completely silent and operates using the on-board CAN data network of your vehicle. This means that it is unnoticeable to thieves who is unable to use simple scanners that scan RF to identify the system. The Ghost is also extremely difficult to remove because it doesn't require additional circuit breaks during installation.

Once it is installed once it is installed, after installation, the Ghost immobiliser will not permit your vehicle to start until you enter your unique PIN. You can enter 20 digits of your PIN by using the buttons on your car's dashboard or steering wheel. This will ensure that only you can start the car, as well as anyone else you have given permission to. There is a reset code that allows you to restart your vehicle if you forget your PIN. Other features that are useful include Service mode, which allows your vehicle to be driven and started without a PIN, which is great for valeting or taking it into the garage to work.

We highly recommend pairing a ghost a GPS tracking device to get the most out of your security system. A GPS tracker can not only let you know where your car is but will also notify you in the event that your vehicle leaves of the set area. This will allow you to swiftly take action if your car is being moved.

As one of the Midlands most trusted installers of high-end ghost and other vehicle security systems, we provide a comprehensive installation service to ensure that your car's most prized possession is protected. Our skilled technicians is ready to offer unrivalled advice and assistance to help you discover the most suitable solution for your needs.


A ghost immobiliser is a low-maintenance device which operates quietly and does not emit any radio signals. It is connected to the vehicle's CAN data bus, and works via the ECU, making it very difficult for thieves to identify. The device is extremely durable and can last for a long amount of time without wear and tear. It can be positioned in a discreet place within the vehicle. It can be installed in many ways, including in the wheel trim or in the engine bay.

It's a great solution for protecting your pride and joy. It is an efficient and affordable alternative to traditional security devices like a wheellock or a tracking system. It is a fantastic option for commercial vehicles. For instance, it could be installed in a van or lorry to prevent theft. Additionally, it is not vulnerable to hacking and will help you monitor the whereabouts of your vehicle at all times.

Unlike other immobilisers, the Ghost II CAN immobiliser does not utilize LED indicators or key fobs. Instead, it utilizes the buttons on your Porsche like those on the steering wheel and door panels as well as the central console - to allow you to create a unique disarm sequence (like PIN codes) that must be entered before the vehicle can be started and driven.

This innovative technology does not require any special software or code and is therefore difficult to hack or disable. It is also extremely economical and simple to install.

Total Vehicle Systems' team of experts will demonstrate the Autowatch Ghost 2 Tracker on your Porsche before it is installed. We will then provide owners guides, installation certifications and the Ghost 2 emergency card. We will also make sure you are satisfied with the results.